Casual Dress for Charity Donations

Every year the Staff at White Maund choose a charity to support for the year. Their charity year ends on 31st August which means it’s time to total up the donations for their nominated charity the Great Ormond Street Children’s Charity.

Staff fundraising is done through a dress down day once a month by which staff can pay £2 to charity for the privilege of wearing casual dress to work (by which we mean ultra-casual, ripped jeans, logo T-shirts and the like!) We are delighted to have raised £200 this year which is great considering we are a relatively small team.

With the new charity year beginning the staff have been asked to vote for their new chosen charity. This year we are delighted to announce that our chosen charity will be Forward Facing (Brighton) a local charity which helps disabled and terminally ill children make memories with their families.

To find out more about the charity please visit their website