All posts from August 2013

Crunch time for ‘zombie businesses’

R3, the professional association for insolvency, business recovery and turnaround specialists in the UK, reports that there are now 108,000 businesses in the UK only capable of paying off the interest on their debts, down from 146,000 in June last year, and well down from the peak of 160,000 last November. This decline has been […]


Disclose or not to disclose…

Mr Andrew Barker won £35k on the show in April 2012 but failed to disclose this to the Official Receiver and his creditors. Under section 353 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended) un-discharged bankrupts are required to disclose all property comprised in his/her estate to the Official Receiver or Trustee. The winnings were considered […]